Vertigo & Mobility

Vertigo & Mobility
Photo by Brannon Naito / Unsplash

Stay tuned for a more indepth look at some of the causes of vertigo....but did you know that a very common and treatable inner ear condition can lead to dizziness, imbalance & falls? This is a big concern especially for our seniors as the condition is more common in older adults. Falls lead to injuries, immobility & length, costly hospital stays! Become the ambassador of your own health and your family's by managing this treatable condition before it leads to bigger problems.  InFocus Rehabilitation Centre, 905-702-7891

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Upwards of 80% of North Americans suffer from some degree of cortisol imbalance, otherwise known as adrenal fatigue.

Upwards of 80% of North Americans suffer from some degree of cortisol imbalance, otherwise known as adrenal fatigue.

Our adrenal glands are pyramid-shaped glands that sit on top of each kidney, and are responsible for producing multiple hormones. Included in this list of important hormones are progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and cortisol. The role of cortisol is to help us manage all types of stress – emotional, physical (inflammation) and

By Dr. Kristy Prouse MD, FRCSC (OB/GYN)