Hip, Hip Hooray! Three cheers for the REMS Bone Scan?

Hip, Hip Hooray! Three cheers for the REMS Bone Scan?
Megan and Marg A.K.A. M&M 😄 are here to be your Partners in Bone Health analysis and preventative health education

Have you heard about the new innovative Health Canada approved bone health analysis technology called REMS? If not, it is time that you do.

For the past 40 years Canadians have relied on the OHIP covered x-ray based DEXA bone scan to asses their bone mineral density but now there is technology that gives you a more comprehensive picture of your bone health. The REMS gives you your TScore or bone mineral density but it also gives you your bone quality/strength and your fragility risk fracture score. Check out the video below for a more indepth look at this new technology that is available and doesn't require a referral from a physician.

Now that you have heard all about REMS and it's benefits you may be wondering what to expect when you come for your Osteosound REMS bone scan. Take a moment to watch the what to expect video below.

Over the course of the last year, we have scanned over 500 people and regardless of the results of their scan, everyone asks the same question. "What do I do now to either improve or maintain my bone health."

In response to this commonly asked question, we are excited to announce that we will be launching a digital CEO of your Health Digital Educational Hub where you will learn from a variety of healthcare professionals who are committed to educating you to stock your toolbox to help improve your bone health and overall health. This hub will consist of a self care toolbox with short, effective tips and strategies such as exercises, stretches, recipes and more that you can implement into your daily routine. It will also have master classes that will take a deeper dive into topics to help improve your health esteem and last but not least it will also have a calendar of live webinars where you can come and learn and ask questions from a wide range of healthcare professionals.

Don't miss out on the launch of this hub. Get on the waiting list today.

Get ready to say hip, hip hooray, book your Osteosound REMS Bone Scan today! Visit www.osteosound.ca

Megan - Founder of Osteosound and PHAMbassador

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