Home Modifications for Healthy Aging

Home Modifications for Healthy Aging
A more safe and accessible home does not have to look like it is

In this conversation, Margaret Wallis-Duffy of Wallis for Wellness 2.0 and Karen Brown of Reno Studios discuss the importance of home modifications for healthy aging.

They highlight the need for accessible homes and the barriers in current home design. They emphasize the importance of advocating for accessible housing and the market for accessible home building.

They also provide tips for kitchen and bathroom modifications and discuss funding options for home renovations. Additionally, they share free and low-cost home modification ideas and stress the importance of planning and prevention for aging in place.


  • Advocate for accessible housing and challenge the barriers in current home design.
  • Consider future needs and plan for home modifications early.
  • Explore funding options such as Ontario Renovates and reverse mortgages.
  • Implement free and low-cost modifications like removing throw rugs and rearranging furniture.


00:00Introduction and Recap

01:18 The Need for Home Modifications

03:15 Barriers in Home Design

05:02 Challenges with Entry, Vertical Access, and Bathrooms

07:39 The Importance of Advocating for Accessible Homes

09:01 The Market for Accessible Home Building

11:20 Challenges in the Kitchen and Bathroom

13:30 Considering Future Needs in Home Renovations

14:10 Take Action Early for Aging in Place

19:16 Funding Options for Home Modifications

25:33 Free and Low-Cost Home Modifications

38:30 Empowerment through Planning and Prevention

39:24 Conclusion and Contact Information

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