Bumble Bee Breathing

BREATHWORK and learning to BREATHE is a wonderful tool in our toolbox for life. Bumble Bee Breathing is one technique to help with:
-calming your mind
-stress & anxiety
-focus & concentration
-a tickle in your throat
And so many other wonderful benefits.
Try it out for as many reps as you need and let me know how you feel: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6azI--lYhvs
Gently block the sense of sight and hearing. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the nose while you make a humming sound and your lips are softly touching. Exhales even longer than the inhales are even better for bringing peace & calm to the mind and body.

And be sure to check out my friends Marianne & Matt Gee and Team at https://www.geesbees.ca/ for the most delicious honey and education on all things related to beekeeping, celebrating 10 years in 2025 here in Ottawa and online.
Follow me for more daily inspiration on living well: https://www.instagram.com/renee_groulx/